The UEA has around 17,000 students and each year prospective students face the same challenge: writing a standout personal statement. A dedicated team at the UEA travel around the country to offer support and advice for the application process but didn't have any printed materials they could leave with students to make the impact long-lasting. Whilst working at borne I worked on this project from conception until print-ready. The client had minimal feedback and was really happy with the outcome which meant that only minor amends were required before it was art-worked and sent to print.

I used UEA's branding and photography which was really easy to use and had a warm, inviting feeling to it. It was professional yet young, making it perfect for their target audience. The booklet was made to be interactive and accessible to all students. The UEA team were keen to have large areas of white space so students could write lots of notes.

The client was thrilled with the outcome and the fast turnaround. From them giving us the brief to having the document ready to go to print was 3 days. Initial feedback was that students found the booklet really easy to progress through and it gave them a really good foundation in knowing what to include in their personal statements. This project was incredibly rewarding and it was great to take full ownership of this piece.